Thursday, 19 October 2017


I'm reading BrenĂ© Brown's new book, 'Braving the Wilderness' at the moment.  It's one of those books that incites feelings of confusion, contrition, choleric outrage, and at times a compulsion to consign the whole thing to the freezer until I recover my equilibrium.  Do read it.  I've just read the following and it's a reiteration of statements she's made in many of her previous publications:  "Joy is probably the most vulnerable emotion we experience."

I suddenly remembered this poem I wrote nearly two years ago.  It was in response to the challenge laid down by a poetry group I was a part of briefly, to write something about joy.  In applying myself to the task, the realisation dawned on me that it was a long time since I'd felt any.  Reading BrenĂ©'s words again I am beginning to see why.  

Here is the poem:


Every odd
A drip
Into the deep.

Plink, plink.
Once and again,
There it falls,
The stones
Slickened with moisture.

Plink, plink, plink
Dark moss drinks a draught
And drains each drop,
Each tiny drop
Of water
Right away
But still the damp persists.

Plink, plink, plink, plink.
Frequency increasing.
It’s flowing faster,
Firmly, fervently.
I keep hoping
That, keeping faith,
My cup will soon run over…

Mary Goodman 5/12/2015